Thursday, November 20, 2014

11/21-Ch. 6 and 7 EXAM

Review for the EXAM

PSYCH. –Ch. 6 and 7 Quiz

The CNS and the ANS
Neuron and it’s basic parts
Brain and it’s basic parts
Venn Diagram—Compare and Contrast the Endocrine and the Nervous System
Circadian Rhythm
Sleep Cycle
Sleep Problems
Dreams and the Purpose of Dreams
Hypnosis/Biofeedback and Psychoactive Drugs

11/14-20 Consciousness and Sleep

Ch. 7 Work
Ch. 7—p. 190
1. What are some theories about what purpose dreams have?
2. What are daydreams?  Why are they useful?
S2 p. 191-196
3. What is hypnosis?
4. Does hypnosis put the participant to sleep?  What does it do?
5. What are the theories of hypnosis?
6. What is a posthypnotic suggestion?
7. What is hypnotic analgesia?
8. What is biofeedback?
9. What is meditation?

11/13 Endocrine System

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11/7-12 Messaging Systems

Nervous System---Inside Out and Behavior

Ch. 6 Body and Behavior
Sec. 1 –  The Nervous System

  1. What is the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System?  What is the difference between the two?
  2. What are Neurons?  Draw and label the anatomy of a neuron using the figure on p. 157.
  3. What is a synapse?  How are messages passed in the synapse?
  4. What is the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system?  How are they different?
  5. Explain the two parts of the autonomic nervous system?

Sec. 2 – Studying the Brain

  1. What are the parts of the hindbrain, the midbrain and the forebrain?
  2. Using the figure on p. 161 draw and label the parts of the brain.
  3. What is the corpus callosum?
  4. What are the lobes of the brain?
  5. Under HOW PSYCHOLOGISTS STUDY THE BRAIN, what is an EEG?  What does it measure?
  6. What are lesions?
  7. How are accidents beneficial to psychological study?
  8. What is a CAT?  What does it show?
  9. What is a PET?  What does it show?
  10. What is an MRI?  What does it show?

11/6 Development Exam

11/4-5 Adulthood

Adult stages--when do we enter into adulthood?
Early Adult--Kohlberg Post Conventional.  Intimacy vs. Isolation--Erikson
Middle Ages--Childcare
                *Philosophical Chairs--Childcare

Older ages--Grief Studies---Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Monday, November 3, 2014

11/3 Adulthood and Aging

Ch. 5 RG—Adulthood/ Aging and Dying
1.  What are two theories about why we age?
2.  What are some of the effects of aging?
3.  What is menopause?
4.  What are two factors that decide whether marriages will succeed or fail?
5.  Does intelligence go down as you age?  Why is that stereotype an exaggeration?
6.  Describe Levinson’s Theory of Male Development (p. 134).
7.  Define generativity and stagnation.
8.  What is the “empty nest” syndrome?
9.  What are misconceptions and myths about aging?
10.                   What is senile dementia?
11.                   What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
12.                   What is thanatology?
13.                   What are the 5 psychological stages of dealing with dying?
14.                   What is hospice?

15.                   Who was Jack Kevorkian?  What is euthanasia?  Why was Jack Kevorkian convicted by a jury?

10/23-31 Development

Ch. 3 S2&3 RG

10/22--Learning and Memory EXAM
