Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12/18-1/4 Neural Function

1. Ch. 6 S1&2 and the Nervous System

2. Learn 360 Video on the Nervous System.

Extra Credit for the Break:

PSY I Extra Credit Project:
* Research Project (30 pts). Research a person, psychological issue or disorder that is important to the field of psychology.

After researching you may do one of the following:
A. Write a two-three page paper explaining what this topic is about. Explain why knowledge of this topic is important to understanding the field of psychology.

B. Do a 15 slide PPT.
C. Make a poster or diorama of the topic.

A bibliography is necessary to validate your research. (2 Sources Minimum)
An informal presentation to the class on the date which we return (1/4-5 2010).

For 15 pts. you may do one of the following:

1. Watch a psychological movie or documentary (not shown in class) and write up a review (1-2 pages typed).
2. Read an article from a newspaper or periodical that is psychologically significant and write up a summary (with article attached)---1 to 2 pages typed.


1. Abnormal Psych Exam (Ch. 16)
2. Intro to Ch.6 & 7

12/14-15 Antisocial Personality

1. Anti-social personality-- Cornell Notes
2. Psychology of Drug Abuse--Cornell Notes
3. Time to work on Unit Packets---As Review for Exam

12/10-11 Suicide Prevention

1. Suicide prevention pamphlet for Jackson County.
2. Intro to Anti-social disorder and Drug Abuse

12/8-9 Intro to Mood Disorders

1. Sybil Conclusion and questions.

2. Mood Disorders (Unipolar and Bipolar)

12/4-7 Sybil


12/2-3 D.I.D.

Intro to somatoform disorders and D.I.D

Begin Sybil

11/30-12/1 Intro Somatoform Disorders

1. Wrap up Schizophrenia along with write-up of "A Beautiful Mind"
2. Intro to Somatoform Disorders