Thursday, October 29, 2009

11/2-3 Learning and Memory Exam Ch. 9 & 10

1. EXAM!!!

2. Intro to Abnormal Psych.

10/29-30 Memory Retrieval

1. Clustering--Allows for more to be held in STM and more to be uploaded to LTM.

2. Retrieval involves 4 main parts: recognition, recall, relearning and forgetting.

Wrapped up 40 items of unit. Study and use on the exam next period. ---website that is useful in preparing for the exam.

10/27-28 Memory Pt. 1 --storage

3 parts of memory. encoding --storage --retrieval.

3 stage theory---sensory memory, short term memory (working memory) and long term memory.

Memory is both implicit and explicit.

Implicit memory includes both semantic and episodic.

Explicit memory includes both declarative and procedural.

10/23-26 Mental Maps - Cognitive Wkst.

1. Cognitive learning includes latent learning (implicit memory)---this is shown by drawing cognitive maps (mental maps) of your house and route from your house to Sprague.

2. Cognitive learning deals with the issues of motivation, attribution theory and learned helplessness. Wkst. completion over these topics.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10/21-22 Skits

1. Skits on Operant Conditioning.
2. Intro to Social Learning.
3. Work up to #24 on the Vocab List.

10/19-20 Operant Conditioning --Skit Intro

1. Operant Conditioning Lecture.
2. Skits organized.

10/14-15 Classical Conditioning

1. Ch. 9 S1 RG
2. Lecture on Classical Conditioning

10/12-13 Personality Exam

1. Personality Exam
2. Intro to learning.

10/7-8 Trait Theory

1. Trait Theory of Personality
2. Ch. 14 S5 RG Due next period.

10/5-6 Humanism theories of personality

1. Quiz over Ch. 14 S1-3.
2. Humanist theories----Maslow and Rogers.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

10/1-2 Behaviorist Theories of Personality

1. Intro to Behaviorism in the study of personality.
2. Watch short clips on Classical Conditioning (Pavlov) and Operant Conditioning (Skinner)
3. Work on Behaviorism Questions
4. Watch two short clips on Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura).
5. Quiz--Take Home on Psychoanalytic Approach and the NeoFreudians to the Behaviorist Approach.

6. Psychoanalysis (Freud) Concept Map due next class meeting.