Friday, December 5, 2014

12/5 Behaviorist and Humanist Theories

Bandura and Social Learning Theory

Humanism and  Theories of Personality
p. 391-397

1.What is humanistic psychology?  How is it a rebellion to psychoanalysis and behaviorism?
2.What is self-actualization?
3.Who was Abraham Maslow?
4.Using pg. 327, draw Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid and label it.
5.What are six things that self-actualized individuals do?
6.How do people become self-actualized?
7.Who was Carl Rogers?
8.What did Rogers believe that many people suffer from?
9.According to Rogers, what is the self?
10.What is positive regard?
11.What are conditions of worth?
12.According to Rogers, how do people cope with conditions of worth?
13.What is the importance of unconditional positive regard?
14.What does it mean to be fully functioning?
15.What do critics argue about humanistic theories of personality?

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