Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12/9 Endocrine System

Ch. 6 Body and Behavior
Sec. 1 –  The Nervous System
1.      What is the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System?  What is the difference between the two?
2.      What are Neurons?  Draw and label the anatomy of a neuron using the figure on p. 157.
3.      What is a synapse?  How are messages passed in the synapse?
4.      What is the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system?  How are they different?
5.      Explain the two parts of the autonomic nervous system?
Sec. 2 – Studying the Brain
 What are the parts of the hindbrain, the midbrain and the forebrain?
6.      Using the figure on p. 161 draw and label the parts of the brain.
7.      What is the corpus callosum?
8.      What are the lobes of the brain?
9.      Under HOW PSYCHOLOGISTS STUDY THE BRAIN, what is an EEG?  What does it measure?
10.    What are lesions?
11.    How are accidents beneficial to psychological study?
12.    What is a CAT?  What does it show?
13.    What is a PET?  What does it show?
14.    What is an MRI?  What does it show?  How is fMRI different than just a regular MRI?
Sec 3.
15.    What is the endocrine system?
16.    How do hormones effect the body?  How do they influence your mood?
17.    Explain what each of the following are:
a. pituitary gland  b. thyroid gland     c. adrenal gland   d. sex glands
            18. What is the difference between a hormone and a neurotransmitter?
Sec 4.
19.    What is heredity?
20.    What is the Nature vs. Nurture debate?
21.    What are genes?
22.    How are identical twins different from fraternal twins?

 + the Brain Wkst.

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