Thursday, March 20, 2014

3/17-19 Memory-Ch. 10

Intro to Memory

Experts Video

Memory--Ch. 10 S2--Retrieval Processes

Ch. 10 S2 –Retrieval
Define the following:
1. Recognition 2. Recall 3. reconstructive processes 4. confabulation 5. schemas
6. eidetic memory 7. Relearning 8. Forgetting 9. Decay 10. Interference

Sentence Answers
11. What about state-dependent learning would make studying with headphones not worth your time?
12. Why is distributed practice better than cramming?
13. What are forms of elaborate rehearsal that you use to help you study?
14. Why are mnemonic devices useful?
15. Using p. 279, what are the four types of Long-Term memory? Describe each one.

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