Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Break/12/2-6

Keep a sleep and dreams Journal for 5 consecutive days.

The Method:

Keep a Notebook next to your bed. Have 4 columns on your pages. Column 1---Bedtime; Column 2---Wake up Time; Column 3---Hours Slept; Column 4---Dream Summary

In Columns 1-3 put down the times spent sleeping in order to find the average over the 5 day period.

In Column 4 put down a summation of a remembered dream.

11/21-22 Sleep and Psychology

Read “How Much Sleep Does a Body Need?”
1. According to the article, how much sleep do teenagers need?
2. What does the article say about the adolescent circadian rhythm?
Read “Drowsy America”
3. What does Harvey Bass claim?
4. What does Dr. Charles Pollak state?
5. What statistic does David Dinges claim?
6. What is “perhaps the most insidious consequence of skimping on sleep”?
7. Why does Mary Carskadon say that “driving home on Friday is a greater risk than on Monday”?
8. How does alcohol effect a sleep deprived person?
9. What did Carskadon find about adolescents and sleep?
10. According to the author, who created the dilemma of sleep loss?
11. What is nocturnal myoclonus?
12. What is sleep apnea?
13. What is insomnia?
14. How can government and business help the sleep loss problem?
Read “Backgrounder: Later School Start Times”
15. What did Carskadon’s Multiple Sleep Latency Test show about adolescents?
16. What did the study show about melatonin and adolescents? Could this be changed?
17. What did the initial research show on the change from 9th to 10th grade?
18. What were the results when Minnesota changed the high school start times?
19. How did Kentucky’s change effect the safety on the road?
20. Given this data, why haven’t all schools changed their start times? Who is involved in the decision?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/18-20 Consciousness

Experts Video

Theories of Sleep---

States of Sleep---

Stages of Sleep--

Problems w/ Sleep--

Ch. 7—p. 190
1. What are some theories about what purpose dreams have?
2. What are daydreams? Why are they useful?
S2 p. 191-196
3. What is hypnosis?
4. Does hypnosis put the participant to sleep? What does it do?
5. What are the theories of hypnosis?
6. What is a posthypnotic suggestion?
7. What is hypnotic analgesia?
8. What is biofeedback?
9. What is meditation?

11/13-15 Nervous System and Endocrine System

Notes from Ch. 6 and Questions

Experts on the Nervous System

Diagram of a Neuron and the Brain

11/12 Unit IV EXAM and Notebook Check

Friday, November 8, 2013

11/8 Review of Unit IV

Unit IV Notes and Review

Notes should have the following:
Experts Videos and Notes---Infancy to Adolescence / Adolescence to Adulthood
Ch. 3 RG and Notes
Language Lessons
Parenting Notes
Kohlberg Moral Development and Notes
Ch. 5 /5 questions
Thanatology---Kubler Ross and Grief Notes
Bucket List---Rationalizations

Maturational Readiness
Attachment--Harlow's Research/ Ainsworth
Eriksen Social
Adolescence--Identity Crisis
Parenting Styles
Adult Stages
Myths on Aging
Grief and Dying

The Essay for the Unit is due on Wednesday 11/13

Short Essay (5 paragraphs) Dev. Psy.
After reading the handout on Advantages and
Disadvantages of Childcare, explain what these
advantages and disadvantages are.
Finally, explain what option you are planning
on pursuing and why you would choose that.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

11/7 Philosophical Chairs---Childcare

Using the childcare article---philosophical chairs about childcare.

Unit Essay Assigned---Due in class on Wed. 11/13--after Unit IV Exam

Short Essay (5 paragraphs) Dev. Psy.
After reading the handout on Advantages and Disadvantages of Childcare, explain what these advantages and disadvantages are. Finally, explain what option you are planning on pursuing and why you would choose that.

11/6 Thanatology

Elisabeth Kubler Ross and the 5 Stages of the Grieving Process Notes

Myths about Aging

1. What are two theories about why we age?
2. What are some of the effects of aging?
3. What is menopause?
4. What are two factors that decide whether marriages will succeed or fail?
5. What are misconceptions and myths about aging?

11/4-5 Experts--Adolescence and Adulthood

Eriksen's Social Theory and the Identity Crisis---Eriksen and Marcia

4 areas of Identity for decision making.

Parenting Roles in the Modern Times Article

11/1 Kohlberg's Moral Development

Take notes on the Stages of Moral Development as per Kohlberg.

Adolescence Notes--Ch. 4

10/31 Eriksen--Social Development

10/30 Language Lessons

Handout in Class on Language Lessons.

Erikson and Social Dev. Intro