Friday, April 18, 2014

4/18 Experts and Text--Ch 6 S1 & 2

Ch. 6 Body and Behavior
Sec. 1 – The Nervous System

1. What is the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System? What is the difference between the two?
2. What are Neurons? Draw and label the anatomy of a neuron using the figure on p. 157.
3. What is a synapse? How are messages passed in the synapse?
4. What is the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system? How are they different?
5. Explain the two parts of the autonomic nervous system?

Sec. 2 – Studying the Brain

1. What are the parts of the hindbrain, the midbrain and the forebrain?
2. Using the figure on p. 161 draw and label the parts of the brain.
3. What is the corpus callosum?
4. What are the lobes of the brain?
5. Under HOW PSYCHOLOGISTS STUDY THE BRAIN, what is an EEG? What does it measure?
6. What are lesions?
7. How are accidents beneficial to psychological study?
8. What is a CAT? What does it show?
9. What is a PET? What does it show?
10. What is an MRI? What does it show

4/17 Intro to Nueroscience

4/16 Development Exam + Notebook Check

4/15 Grief/Death & Dying--Review

Kubler-Ross research

Giraffe---Stages of Grief.

Bucket List Assignment

4/14 Adulthood and Aging

Short Quiz
Raising Kids Article

Friday, April 11, 2014

4/11 Philosophical Chairs--Daycare

Short Essay (5 paragraphs) Dev. Psy.
After reading the handout on Advantages and
Disadvantages of Childcare, explain what these
advantages and disadvantages are.
Finally, explain what option you are planning
on pursuing and why you would choose that.

4/10 Kohlberg Scenarios

4/9 Adolescence--Experts

Experts Video on Adolescence---Notes off of the Video

4/8 Piaget, Kohlberg/ Erikson

Cognitive, Moral and Social Theories of Development

4/7 Cornell Notes Ch. 3 & 4

4/4 Language Acquisition

Language Wkst--in class.

Developmental sheet--in class....

PSY I—Developmental Psychology
p. 71-84
Define the following:
1. schemas 2. assimilation 3. accommodation 4. object permanence
5. representational thought 6. conservation 7. egocentric 8. imprinting
9. critical period 10. attachment 11. authoritarian families 12. authoritative families
13. permissive families

14. Explain Harlow’s research with Rhesus monkeys on the issue of attachment.
15. Draw and explain Erikson’s stage of Psychosocial Development.

4/2-3 Developmental Psych--Early Childhood

Experts Video

Terms of Early Childhood

Maturational Readiness


Language Acquisition

4/1 Study Guide EXAM--Learning & Memory